Do draught stoppers actually work?

Do Draught Stoppers Work? Separating Fact from Fiction

Yes! Draught stoppers are an excellent way of preventing cold from entering your home.

How do Draught Stoppers Actually Work?

Let's start with the facts, draught stoppers work on a simple principle, they create a barrier that stops cold air from seeping in and warm air from escaping. By sealing the gaps under doors and windows, these clever contraptions aim to maintain a consistent indoor temperature. They are incredibly effective and they work equally well on any type of door or window.

Draftstoppers, Myths vs. Reality

In the quest for a draft-free home, numerous myths and misconceptions about draught stoppers have surfaced. Some believe they only work for specific door types or in certain weather conditions. However, draftstoppers will work equally well in every scenario where the whole opening is covered. Whether your window is old and creaky or you have a modern door, draftstoppers are an effective and practical way of keeping the cold out.

Choosing the Right Draught Stopper

Not every draught stopper is created equally, from traditional fabric snakes to high-tech silicone options, the market offers a wide array of choices. However, almost every draught excluder will perform as well as any other as long as it covers the length of the door. The long-term durability is also an important factor to consider to make an informed choice.

Do Draught Stoppers Help Conserve Energy?

Using draught stoppers is a cost-effective method to conserve energy in the home. By maintaining the temperature of a room, they reduce the need for heating, thereby saving on energy bills. A well-insulated room can retain heat for a longer period, making a draughtstopper a cost-effective measure in energy management.

Benefits Beyond Energy Savings

While their primary function is to prevent heat loss, draught stoppers also serve to keep out dust, noise, and even insects. This added layer of protection contributes to a cleaner and more peaceful home environment.

Combating Draughts in Historic Homes

Owners of historic homes often face the challenge of preserving the building's character while blocking draughts to improve energy efficiency. Draft excluders serve as an ideal solution in such scenarios. They provide a non-invasive method to enhance warmth without altering the property's structure. They're particularly beneficial in houses where installing modern insulation is impractical or prohibited by heritage conservation regulations.

Environmental Impact

Reducing energy consumption through the use of draught stoppers also has a significant environmental impact. By decreasing the need for heating, households contribute to lower carbon emissions. It's a small but powerful way individuals can partake in global efforts to combat climate change, making a draftstopper not just a home improvement tool but a choice for a greener planet.

The Versatility of Draught Stoppers

Draught stoppers have transcended their traditional use, becoming versatile tools for home comfort. They can be repurposed to dampen sound transmission under doors, offering privacy and tranquility. Their utility in multifaceted roles further establishes them as an indispensable accessory in the modern home, providing comfort, convenience, and versatility.

Seasonal Adjustments

During the warmer months, draft stoppers can be easily removed and stored away. This flexibility allows homeowners to manage their insulation needs in accordance with the changing seasons, ensuring that homes remain comfortable year-round.

Customisation and Aesthetics

Draught stoppers don't need to look boring. Many homeowners take the opportunity to customise them, selecting fabrics and patterns that complement their interior design. This turns a functional item into a decorative one, adding a touch of personality to the room. Some draftstoppers even come in whimsical animal-inspired design, putting a smile on the face of all who enter your home.

Are Draughtstoppers the Best Insulation Method?

When comparing draughtstoppers to other insulation methods, such as weather-stripping or double-glazing, it's clear that they are a more cost-effective and less invasive option. Although not as long-term a solution as some alternatives, the draft stopper provides a good balance between functionality, cost, and convenience.

Explore our range of draught stoppers and door snakes to find the perfect draft excluder for your home.