How to style a sideboard or buffet

An often neglected styling opportunity, sideboards and buffets are prime interior decorating real estate. Sideboards provide the perfect space for storage and displaying trinkets, and can be transformed with art pieces into a stunning focal point that really elevates a space. At French Knot, we have compiled our six essential styling decor items and tips for styling beautiful buffets and side tables. Whether you are seeking to refresh your room for the new season, or inject your unique personality into a plain room, our tips will ensure you create a display you love.

Anchor with Artwork

Artwork, whether hung on the wall above or propped on the sideboard, creates a gorgeous focal point that will instantly pull anyone's eye. Choose a beautiful print or collection of prints to anchor and frame the entire display and draw the eye upwards, creating the illusion of a larger space. Wall art that is one third shorter than the width of the buffet table creates pleasing visual proportions and refreshes the room. Try displaying the art asymmetrically for a more relaxed, modern vibe, or choose two complementary prints to add textural and colour variation. Alternatively, make your space feel more open and inviting by hanging a large mirror above the buffet.

Introduce Height

One of the most important steps in creating a striking display is introducing height with your decor items, in order to balance out the long, thin dimensions of the buffet table. Opt for tall elements such as a vase, plant, or lamp to form the foundation of your table decor and make the arrangement more visually appealing. A small number of large objects draws the eye and makes a real statement, rather than cluttering up the side table with knick-knacks. Try placing two objects of equal height at either end of the the buffet for a classy, traditional look, or arrange asymmetrically to infuse your space with character.

Keep it Balanced

Once you have anchored your display with a tall object, balance out the rest of the display with complementary shapes and heights. Low and wide objects such as a tray, bowl, or a small stack of books offset the high element and create visual interest. Try displaying long, low objects such as wreaths of leaves or strings of beads to enhance the connection and cohesion between the decor pieces. Medium height items such as candles and sculptural pieces add personality and harmonise the distinction between the high and low pieces. Make the most of space by using a mix of decorative and functional pieces, such as displaying glassware or placing a stone bowl for keys. Don't be afraid to create depth in your arrangement by positioning objects to be overlapping or clustered in groups - otherwise you risk create an uninteresting display by evenly spacing objects in a line.

The Rule of Three

The rule of three is the concept that objects displayed in groups of three are more aesthetically appealing and intriguing to the human mind. Create a carefully curated feel by grouping three similar small vases or candles together, or by selecting three objects of distinctly differing heights to display together. To maximise the cohesion of your sideboard decor, position groups of threes in "visual triangle", by setting the smaller pieces in front of the larger one. Rearranging decor items into groups of threes on your buffet table will instantly refresh a space, as the eye appreciates how the three pieces complement each other visually.

Add Light and Life

Take your decor to the next level by adding a source of light or life into your display, instantly elevating the mood of your space. Introduce the organic beauty and visual diversity of items such as branches, plants, and flowers, to provide the textural variation and verdant hues of nature that our minds crave. Natural elements, whether real or faux blooms, have a grounding and balancing effect, softening the look and drawing an emotional connection from the viewer to the decor. Lighting pieces such as lamps or candles elevate the ambiance by infusing the space with a sense of elegance and warmth, and illuminate the features and intricacies of the objects surrounding them. Choose lamps that are are tall and thin to provide the height and visual anchor that a sideboard display needs, or opt for a pair of wall sconces for a sophisticated, highly polished look.

Infuse with Personality

The final step to styling a beautiful buffet table is infusing it with your personality and unique style. Displaying family photos and sentimental items is a great way to personalise a space, avoiding the soulless "showroom" feel so many of us dread. Other heartfelt reminders of memories throughout life, such as your children's artworks or travel souvenirs, enhance your emotional connection to your space, really making your house feel like a home. Display pieces because you love them and are drawn to them, not just because they match a particular look. At the end of the day, how your space makes you feel is the most important thing.

Style Your Own Sideboard or Buffet Today

Sideboards and buffet tables are incredibly versatile storage items, while providing a fantastic means for displaying your personal decor style. By following our tips to choose the right decor pieces and create a thoughtful arrangement, your sideboard will become a statement piece that elevates the atmosphere and style of any room. Discover our beautiful Home Accessories and Decor Items to style the perfect sideboard or buffet table today.